Chronic calf tightness

Calf tightness
Picture from

A 57 year old gentleman presents with chronic bilateral calf tightness for the past one year.  It is always aching, worse so after physical activity.  He required painkillers most nights due to the discomfort.  Stretching gives some temporary relief but the tightness always recurred.  Physiotherapy did not appear to achieve long lasting relief.  Examination indeed showed multiple generalised tightness of bilateral calf muscles with ‘knots’ (myofascial trigger points).  The diagnosis was chronic muscular tension as the cause the discomfort.  The main differential diagnosis would be nerve pain (like sciatica) or vascular deficiency (intermittent claudication).


Session 1:  red laser applied to local calf traditional acupuncture points.  Infrared laser applied directly onto several myofascial trigger points.  This was performed on on both calves

Result:  90% improvement to left calf muscle.  50% improvement to right calf muscles.  Nil pain medications required.

Session 2:  Complete focus on the right calf this time.  Right ear laser acupuncture directed towards the calf.  Red laser for local traditional acupuncture points.  Infrared laser over myofascial trigger points.

Results:  90% improvement to right calf.  Left calf remains resolved.  Nil further sessions required.


Most of the evidence base for acupuncture is for musculoskeletal problems.  Scientific studies without a doubt has proven it effective for these conditions.  This is a case demonstrating how powerful it can be.  A problem persistent for a year – gone after 2 sessions of laser acupuncture.  If he continues stretching to keep his muscles relaxed and smooth, he will not require any further sessions.  The aim is always to have patients not need to return!

I use two different laser wavelengths – red 650nm and infrared 808nm.  The red laser penetrates only about 2-5mm, and is used for superficial acupuncture points.  90% of my acupuncture is using the red light laser.  The infrared laser can penetrate much deeper to about 5cm and used to reach deeper acupuncture points.  However, my favourite use for infrared laser is for relaxing the ‘knots’ – it is equivalent of dry needling if used this way, only that there are no needles!

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